The Story of the Pier

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I don't own this pier, but I pretend I do. When we were scoutng for a location to build the Sophia Saly School, we stopped here. I pretend it's the edge of the world 🌏.

Just beyond the horizon is the next world. The next life. A place I tried to find in the hope I could find my sister, one last time. What a herculean task I set for myself. A measure of the anger inside me.

Doomed to fail. But wait, we also didn't fail. I know now, it's not a place for us, not yet anyway. That thing that place beyond the edge, beyond the horizon. I thought time moved the same way for everyone. I know now, it doesn't. Everyone's time is different.

When I drew up plans for Beekeeper Parade, it was here. The map for my novel, started here. I have lost the times I cried here, at the edge of the world. Where the sun seems to set in a lush gold rose light. Uncatchable by any camera on earth. Must be enjoyed by your eyes, in real life only. Fleeting as it should be.

If you have ever visited this place with me. I want to let you know, I'm taking you to a place that is more than a pier to me. It is a place, at the edge of the world. But also exists in my heart. A place that is not mine. But I claim it all the same. Because it's the closest I can get to the next life, without leaving this one. I know on the other unreachable side, is another edge of the next world. And I wonder if all our loved ones that have left us. Stand there too.

I step from the edge and return to the tasks I've set for myself this year. And as usual these days, I get so excited about it...that to walk is not enough. And I just run, the energy in me ⚑. Happily of course. People, probably wondering, what the f*#@ is that guy doing. Running down the pier! Toothy grin. Sun on my skin. Across the divide my sister knows. Crazy fool they would say. But if they only knew. I'm just a guy, chasing my dreams 🌟.


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