The 36 Avocado Project [Update]

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Well if you are reading this, it is most likely because you helped us name avocados. On July 13th in memory of my sister Sophia, I decided to grow 36 (she would have turned 36) avocado trees as a way to remember her and help me process things. 

The response and participation was amazing and fun and it cheered me up. Thank you immensely. We received over 70 name recommendations, but only 36 avocados…sooooooo…we couldn’t use every name nominated. My sincere apologies if your name suggestion didn’t make it. There’s only so many avocado plants I can try and grow in my tiny tiny little apartment :). 

So onto the update! 

It has been a month now since we started and quite a few have started shooting roots. This is a good sign! It means there is a chance they will start sprouting and from there, fingers crossed, they show leaves and continue to grow 🌱. 

Below is a list of the 36 names that made it (you might see your name recommendation in there) with a short description of what stage it has progressed to. Not all seeds will germinate so my sincere apologies if yours hasn’t starting shooting roots yet. But I will persist. The key is patience. Something I need to learn anyway…so this whole project will teach me that at least :). 

I managed to get some terrible photos of some of them. If I have the chance I will start including more photos of the plants. Especially if they have shown progress. 

Here we go - The 36 Avocado Plants Project:

  1. Name: “Loved” - because she is so loved - by Tracy Chan: The plant has begun shooting roots. 
  2. Name: “CLAP” - I know it might seem odd but aside from applause for your journey and for Sophia, it's based on the initials of some truly beautiful souls that have left this earth for now. - by Serena Skye: The plant has begun shooting roots. 
  3. Name: “Amber” - ...because that is the colour of honey.....but also because so much of its meaning and properties resonate with you and your sisters stories. - by Leah Abeat: No roots yet. 
  4. Name: “Gaye Raylene” -… It feels strange not seeing Koky and some of the Keepers today to have cake, celebrate Sophia's birthday and the birthday of the Melbourne Central store as I have the last 2 years - to talk, connect and celebrate my Mum who happens to share Sophia's Birthday (obviously a great day for special people to be born) and is only now with us in our hearts. Happy Birthday Sophia and Mum (Gaye Raylene) the sky is brighter because of you both - by Sandra Ireland: The plant has begun shooting roots.
  5. Name: “Sunbeam” - by Jacqui Hill: No roots yet. 
  6. Name: “Rita Mae” - In honour of somebody I have loved and lost, I put forward the name of my wonderful Rita Mae - by Jess Kilby: The plant has begun shooting roots
  7. Name: “Phoenix” - because it rises from the ashes - by Crysta Lyn Jade :The plant has begun shooting roots.
  8. Name: “Hubble” - (after the telescope) to be reminded of looking at the stars and making wishes - by Maureen Mullally: No roots yet.  
  9. Name: “Mel” - short for Melbourne - Lyn Stevens Morrow: The plant has begun shooting roots.
  10. Name: “Dorothy” - or we used to say Dot xx - by Leanne Kapetanovski: The plant has begun shooting roots. 
  11. Name: “Sraleanh” - Loved in Khmer - by Jo Weinrich: The plant has begun shooting roots.
  12. Name: “Bella “ - as in beautiful in italian - by Michelle Lawrence - The plant has begun shooting roots.
  13. Name: “Dara” - Because Sophia is amongst the stars - by Marli Martallica Ellis: The plant has begun shooting roots.
  14. Name: “Jethro” - it doesn’t mean much to anyone else but to me that name means the world. I would love to share it. - Izzy Evans: The plant has begun shooting roots. 
  15. Name: “Beeliever” - by Linda Bentvelzen - The plant has begun shooting roots
  16. Name: “Wisdom” - Donna Boucher  - no roots yet.
  17. Name: “Kazoku” - Anita Andersen - The plant has begun shooting roots.
  18. Name: “Beryl” - by The Hey Day Club - The plant has begun shooting roots..
  19. Name: “Rainbow” - by Emma Boyall: - No roots yet.
  20. Name: “Happy HoMie” - by erinkmaitland: - no roots yet.
  21. Name: “Kathryn” - Can you name one Kathryn for my sister? She was the best person I’ve ever known and she would have been 45 this year - tinyelfcreations: The plant has begun shooting roots..
  22. Name: “Rick Astley” - by kathsprout:  - The plant has begun shooting roots..
  23. Name: “Frankie” - by fayebibbyz:  - The plant has begun shooting roots.
  24. Name: “Melissa” - For one of the most beautiful people in my life whom we lost way too soon - summerdsandie:  - The plant has begun shooting roots.
  25. Name: “Saudade” - I would suggest Saudade, my favourite Portuguese word, not directly translatable to English, but the feeling of longing for something or someone, usually to describe a time past or, in my case, the feeling of missing loved ones (like my parents and family back home in Brazil! - by serendipitously: The plant has begun shooting roots.
  26. Name: “Mork” - by Mark: The plant has begun shooting roots.
  27. Name: “Cecilia” - by Harry - The plant has begun shooting roots.
  28. Name: “Poppy” - thetallceo - The plant has begun shooting roots.
  29. Name: “Andrew” - a dear friend, who is also no longer here with us but someone I dearly miss by Jo Phunh : The plant has begun shooting roots.
  30. Name: “Lumin” - by luminleaders:  - The plant has begun shooting roots.
  31. Name: “Ava” - by Cassiedean and Amanda Harris - No roots yet.
  32. Name: “Eddie” - by _bornonawednesday:  - The plant has begun shooting roots.
  33. Name: “Agape” - Greek word The highest form of love - by karli_pres: No roots yet.
  34. Name: “Hope” -  by thelittlejess: no roots yet. 
  35. Name: “Maolog” - someone who sticks out from a crowd - by nomadic_soul_poetry: no roots yet.
  36. Name: “Jooniper” - by eggmy - no roots yet. 

So there you have it. Many have started showing growth yay. Some of the reasons for naming the avocado plants are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story.

I look forward to giving you the next update in about a months time. 

Thank you a million times. 

Much love from everyone at Beekeeper Parade xox. 

Avocado growing avocados

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  • Hello admin, Keep the good content coming!

    Alvin Musselman on

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