5 EXCELLENT ways to help small businesses!

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Things at the moment have been incredibly difficult for many businesses at the moment. 

This is definitely something to worry about because small businesses make a significant contribution to the Australian economy, making up 20 per cent of GDP and employing about half the workforce. 

One of the best ways to support each other during this time (and all the time too!) is to always consider small business options when you need to make a purchase of some kind. 

Upcycled clothes

* Road testing one of our first backpacks in 2014. Ages ago!

We have made a short list of 5 things you can do right now to help your favourite small businesses. Us being a small business, never have a budget for any marketing or raising awareness about our business. So support in this area can make a huge difference :). 

So here are 5 good ways to help! 

1: Buy from their online shop: Yes, quite simply, one of the best ways to support small businesses at the moment is to make a purchase from their online store. Apart from helping with cash flow, receiving something amazing for you or a friend, you must also know you send, from across a distance, a big dose of inspiration and hope! And trust us, we all feel it every time an order comes through. Putting an extra spring in our steps and we often break into a dance. Or maybe that is just us.

2: Purchase Gift Cards or Gift Vouchers: If you don’t need anything just yet, you can purchase a gift card or gift voucher. Almost all small businesses offer this. This means you help with immediate cash flow, and can redeem the card or voucher when you need something later or in their physical shop when they re-open again. Because your favourite small business will definitely re-open again with your help. Fingers crossed! Also here's a hidden reward. Receive 10% Off our Gift Vouchers right now. At checkout use code: SUPPORTSMALL 

3: Social media engagement. Liking, sharing, commenting: Okay, you may not know this but this makes a BIG DIFFERENCE. And it costs you nothing. It’s one of those acts of kindness you can do that can make a positive impact on others. 

The simple act of liking, loving, caring for one of their social media posts does three AMAZING things. One:  It makes the poster feel good. Woah! That is not an easy thing to do these days. Two: Everytime you like a post it means more people will see the post, helping raise awareness about this small business. INCREDIBLE. And three: It has been scientifically proven, that when a human (us) does something nice for another person, being, animal, plants also feel good about yourself. It is no secret that people often feel better giving a present, then receiving them. Except for my nephew. He definitely prefers receiving them :).

Also, when you share or comment on a post, it increases how many people will see their post. Which is so valuable for a small business that has no budget for marketing. 

This post on facebook by our friends at Humans in Melbourne is a ridiculous example at how liking (2.8k), sharing (499), and commenting (408) and countless views and reads led to support from people near and far. It was better than Black Friday and Christmas and left us speechless and we admit, we cried too. Read post here if you like :).

4: Tell your family and friends about them: Any marketing school will tell you that word of mouth is one of the best and most effective ways a business can grow in a beautiful way. So tell your friends about your favourite small businesses. We are more likely to talk about a negative experience than a positive experience. Sadly. So if you happen to have had a really positive, beautiful, incredible, amazing experience at a small business. Then make a conscious decision to share that story with your family and friends. Even better share on social media and recommend them or give them a great review.

(You can start number 4 easily by sharing this blog. Haha).

5: Research into small businesses that are making a difference in the world and support them: A good place to start apart from this blog is the Good On You App (An amazing app that does all the research for you and lists amazing ethical fashion businesses for you to explore) and Local Raincheck (recently featured on The Project on Channel 10).

So go forth, and if you can do these 5 things that would be amazing, may the force be with you.

Thank you so much to everyone that have done this already, are doing this already, or who will be doing this already. You have been and is/are AMAZING. Like diamonds in the sky. Like hot chocolate on a cold night! 

On behalf of all the small businesses out there!

Much much love. 

The Beekeeper Parade Crew. 

PLEASE NOTE: Our next blog will be a list of our favourite small businesses! If you have a favourite small business let us know! Please email why they are one of your faves to and we will include in our blog list!

* Reference on request

coronavirus covid-19 small business Social Enterprise Support small business tips to help small business

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  • ¡Hola! Me llamo Laura y estoy encantada de saludarte.
    Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como noticia para posicionar en los primeros lugares de internet, es decir, con artículos reales dentro del periódico que no se marcan como publicidad y que no se borran.
    La noticia es publicada por más de sesenta periódicos de gran autoridad para mejorar el posicionamiento de tu web y la reputación.

    ¿Podrías facilitarme un teléfono para ofrecerte hasta dos meses gratuitos?

    Laura on

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